понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

confused boyfriend

We were at a coffee shop in Davis Square this weekend, and a slightly scruff older gentleman came up to Tae and said, "Are you running for president?� Because I'd vote for you for president."

Tae, amazingly, held her ground, "Do you know who I'm going to vote for?� Barack Obama."

Coffee house man, "Wow, you say that better than he does.� Are you sure you don't want to be president?"

Tae, "No, I'm going to be a mommy when I grow up."

To his credit, scruffy coffee house man told Tae that she could be a mommy and be president.� I followed up by telling her that she had to wait until she was 40.� Which basically means that I need to be retired in 36 years so I can take care of her babies while she goes off and works in a museum, writes books, *and* serves as president.�

Tae also has told me that she thinks Barack Obama will be the best president because he's a daddy.� I did the right thing and told her that John McCain is also a daddy.� Oh well.� I should just tell her that John McCain doesn't know how to text or send emails.� She'll probably say, "DUH.� Barack Obama *is* the best."

confused boyfriend, confused boys.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

cool holmes humidifier mist

Misha waited at the Avengers mansion for the rest of the small group going after Anya. Sarah, Ahura and Lockjaw needed to be located. Dean was getting some last minute direction in his War Machine suit operation. Any other time, the younger boyapos;s enthusiasm would have made Misha smile. He might smile after this was over anyway.

The quick and dirty lessons in suit operation seemed to have taken. He could fly it. Not comfortably with experience, (although he was a quick study and already was able to do so with more grace and very little flailing), but determined to get where he needed to go. There was a little strength augmentation but that wasnapos;t his particular mutant skill and ability. The stealth and protection capabilities of the suit complimented him very well. It thrilled the six year old Iron Man wannabe inside him.

He practiced using the stealth mode while he waited for someone to show up and the mission to begin.

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Iapos;m so close to buying a paid account so the ads will GTFO. Fucking.. Anyway.

Iapos;ve been doing a lot of getting my shit sorted and it seems like Iapos;m stuck in the same place I was when I woke up in the morning, every night. Unable to sleep and when I do, the nightmares start. I do it to myself, of course. Itapos;s my own fault I keep dwelling on Adam even though if I ever see him again, it will be too fucking soon. I havenapos;t seen him since.. Mid-September maybe. I broke off all contact with them. I ALMOST didnapos;t, but then at the last second I told him, straight up, "I canapos;t be in your life anymore. It hurts too much" and that was it. The game is over.

And Justin left the apos;net, Japos; told me, a few days ago. I miss him apos;cause I think he was actually good for me. The problem is Iapos;m probably not good for him. Too emotional and crazy.. But.. See, itapos;s such a circlejerk with me.

"But I.."

".. I know Iapos;m bad for him but.."

Iapos;m starting to wonder if I truly DO only care about myself. Iapos;m not exactly a apos;selflessapos; person when it comes to my dating life. I want what I want, and I want it -then-, and I want it -now- and to hell with whoever gets in the way of that, right? Thatapos;s always been me.

Iapos;m trying to focus on fashion now. I spend so much time on it.. Because thatapos;s what I want to do for a career, something in that industry. Fashion is a language everyone speaks.. Some just arenapos;t as fluent as others >_____>


<3 Britt.
bank of scotland property auctions glasgow.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

frank tiller

Three hundred and sixty six days after a rainy day in San Francisco, it is a new beginning. In case I am the only person of the Jewish faith in your life, it is also a brand new year followed by a day of atonement. The past falls away as leaves from the world that breathes us in order to embrace a sweet and life giving future. There is a brand new journal by Constanceapos;s bed side and she would smiling tell me to write in it that Walt Whitman would agree with her that I am no poet. We will share quite the chortle over this tomorrow as she will read this journal entry with the help of her glasses and some slick magnification devices.

So, it sure has been an interesting interlude. I look forward to the film production version, and am quivering with anticipation as to how close to reality it actually will be. I will try not to give too many spoilers in the forthcoming theatrical trailer. I realize that our consumption of luxury theater visits might have to be cut back due to the fiscal crisis brought about by Joe the Plumber, so I pray the following update will quell the thirst for entertaining and wonderful developments on local events.

Constance has completed her therapy at Braintree Rehabilitation and has happily returned to her home, Scenic Newport. Scenic Newport, as seen in such novels as The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and such films as The Great Gatsby starring Robert Redford. Scenic Newport, which retreats into the mists and fog of Aquidneck Island as the ancient island of Avalon. Scenic Newport, as seen in Family Guy. Scenic Newport... Actually, Constance is at the The Grand Islander in Middletown, but at least she is in Newport County. This lovely, wonderful, and quite amazing long term care facility (i.e. Nursing Home) is providing more and better care than anyone close to Constance could have ever expected. Even Constance herself. She has acclimated quite well to her new digs, and has risen to Most Popular Blonde in residence.

Constanceapos;s therapy regiment has not been slackened with her transition out of acute rehab. Though her treatment has been modified, it is more focused on building core strength and basic control. She is maintaining an average of three hours of therapy a day, five days a week. Her new physical and occupational therapists are an amazing team. Kevin and Todd, I must give you both the proverbial "shout out" as I am conscious of your presences in my thought. I canapos;t possibly leave out Anne. ::Waves:: This fabulous team is making astounding progress with Constance in some basic fundamentals that will prepare Constance for the journey into the community (more on this to follow). She is building her trunk control to combat her exaggerated movements (ataxia) and can now pull herself up and down on the parallel bars without assistance. Her control of walking with a walker (I just need to interject and say I cannot stand the redundancy of that phrase and yet cannot escape it) is continually improving, and she is down to one skilled person assisting her most of the time. This is very large progress and Constance has worked incredibly hard to get this far in just a few months. And the physical aspect is one of the hardest parts.

Constanceapos;s mouth is getting bigger, however, and better. Hehehe, get the joke? With a recent injection of the Botox, Consey is wrinkle-free and has more open jaws of steel. In fact, they are so open that she is eating her three square meals a day. Oh yes, she is a Ravenous Bugblatter beast Of Traal. (We are currently reading The Hitchhikerapos;s Guide to the Galaxy as well.) Constance has moved far beyond Godiva therapy and feeding tubes. We also hope the tube itself will be coming out soon. Now, when I say Consey is eating I mean that she is feeding herself. She has these bad-ass handlebar utensils that would be deadly with a ginsu attachment She also handles her own cup with beverage of choice and can both acquire and eat her cake.

Constance and I, along with some friends play Wii on many occasions. Constance has just started The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and has hit over four home runs in the new Mario baseball game. Oh, and she can stand on the Wii Fit solo. We have begun having many sing-a longs, and she can even snap. Her memory is amazing, as she remembers words to songs she hasnapos;t heard in over a year, quotes from movies, and specific details that are lost to me. She is also quite gabby on the telephone. (I will post again with the contact/ mail info at a later time.)

It has been a remarkable improvement to Constanceapos;s entire being to have returned to her home. She is seeing many more people that she knows and loves, as well as has access to little Rhodyapos;s salty air. Not to mention, this facility allows Miaka to visit in the room That is correct, Constance can even have her baby snuggle in bed with her. Unfortunately, Miaka rarely sits still long enough for Consey to squeeze.

Lastly, Constance is much more aware of herself and the work she is doing. It is hard and painful, but she is determined. She has a burning fire lighting her progress towards getting into her own home. She wants to be free and is propelling herself towards that light as fast as her body, mind, and soul will allow. And that trinity is allowing quite a lot. I feel blessed to be in the presence of such a continuing miracle, and she fuels my faith and love to her every day.

Thank you,


(P.S. Constance is registered to vote and will have a Rhode Island official come to her on election day to help her fill out her absentee ballot. She is an Obama Mama, and is very excited to be such an active participant in a process manifesting freedom. She is actualizing what progress towards freedom is, and I can only appreciate the beauty in such an observation.)
frank tiller, frank tillapaugh, frank till, frank tiggelaar.

четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

community facut type

After work finishes tomorrow, iapos;m going straight to the airport to fly to melbourne for a self-declared long weekend of FUN AND CRAZY(tm).

i know that to those of you on this list, that might not seem like a big deal at all. Melbourne shmelbourne, some of you may say.

to those people i say WHUT. Iapos;m so so excited. This is going to be pretty much the best thing iapos;ve done all year. Iapos;ve never flown on a plane by myself before, iapos;ve always been with someone else. Iapos;m paying for this out of my own money that iapos;ve saved (besides accommodation, thanks sophieapos;s work ^_^) and iapos;ve planned it all out myself.

i was having a smoke outside before and squirming in the chair with excitement. Iapos;ve packed and repacked about three times, and will probably do another one before i go. This is just what i need.

my heart (and my hair straightener) are in melbourne forever.
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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

bestbuy.com return

megan and i had more fun than weapos;ve ever had in computer apps, today in computer apps. That sounds right to me, but itapos;s probably wrong. Sue me. Anyway, know why? cause i looked like a fool. Hot pink wig, fucking annoying, pastel pink walmart sweatshirt, black rolled up sweats, pink and black striped stockings, and flipflops. Ellen and i were twins. :) we joked the whole time, it was so much fun. People need to lighten up. We were getting so many rude comments. Our school is just dead beause of uniforms. But whatevs. And practice was fun too tomorrow is conference championships iapos;m scared. Dawson sort of invited me to a party thing this weekend? iapos;m unsure of the whole situation, and unsure of myself, so therefore it wouldnapos;t be great, but iapos;m willing to be openminded. Starting now. Idk when mandy comes home, all i know is i never talk to her anymore. And one of my friends in particular annoy the shit out of me this year like 95 of the time iapos;m with her. Fuuuh. Idk what to do. O

bestbuy.com return, bestbuy.com reward, bestbuy.com rewards.

вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

duramax flywheel

Iapos;ve been a good girl today. Finally stayed home today and didnapos;t run off to some place else to study. �I managed to refrain myself from touching the com from the moment I woke up, till now. In view that its Bernice Ong here. Its an accomplishment(: I blasted music by plugging my Ipod into my speakers. Alternative method instead of Itunes.�Staying home today has rewarded me with ample rest. So now, Im recharged, refreshed ready to go While Daddy surprised me by popping home in the middle of the day :O

Dad: Wow, you actually stayed home today. Never go out?
Me: Nope.
-Dad walks off, and later plonks himself on his special King chair and ons the TV-
Me: -walks into the living room- What are you doing home so early anyways?
Dad:�Oh, I felt tired.
Me: 0.0 erm. Okkkk.

My dad can scarily pop home any time and appear anywhere. Scary much? You would think itapos;s rather difficult to hide things from my Dad. But in actual fact, My mum is the well-informed one(without me breathing a word of anything to her, I concluded that sheapos;s really smart and observant), whereas my dad, well, not so well informed. He is a busy man.�HAHAHA. I have cute parents.

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Iapos;m so glad I decided to book the rest of this week off instead of just Thursday and Friday. The thought of having to go into work for the first three days was filling me with exhausted dread, and I spent the majority of last week feeling deathly tired.

I was vaguely productive yesterday. Went out for some bits of shopping and to get picture frames and interfacing (going to attempt to make curtain tie-backs this week at some point), and have to go out today to get more. I got three picture frames - needed four - and two rings for the end of the tie backs - need four of those, too. :P Temporary brain freeze. Anyway, I framed and put up three of the prints - some I bought from that "Earth from the Air" thing when it was still around, so theyapos;re YEARS old - and that was about it.

On Sunday my mum and David took us to Stratford for the day. The weather was absolutely amazing, considering what weapos;ve had so far. Warm enough to walk around in just a t-shirt We didnapos;t do very much there and also forgot to bring a camera, but did manage to get some Christmas presents in Past Times, since the one in Birmingham has closed down. We had lunch in Coxapos;s Yard, a pub on the river, and most of the day was just spent wandering around the shops. Quite pleasant.

The rest of this week is alternatively quiet and tiring. Tonight I have choir (not too tired at long bloody last) and then tomorrow weapos;re going to visit Tor and the new baby, Thursday and Friday Paul and I are both off. Meal at Cafe Rouge on Thursday night and then nothing on Friday, I think, and going to see Sound of Music on Saturday with a meeting with Eni beforehand. Sunday = sleep, as the last train back from London doesnapos;t get back until midnight.

Now thatapos;s done, I shall go and watch some Housewife Telly. I need my Jeremy Kyle fix. :P
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distal hand innovation plate radius

I had a hard day today,but also exciting.
Because i made soup with my mom.
It is korean tradition soup.
It name is red-bean gruel taken on the winter solstice.
It drive out an evil spirit exorcise, so many people eat the winter solstice.
But i want to eat this, so my mom suggest "we can make soup"
1.The smal bean keep beans soaked in water.
2.The boil water good and hot and put in the pot.
3.Also a piece of cake put in the pot.
4.After 30 minutes, finished
It is very delicious
I want to make again.

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